Murabaha Mode For Purchase – Order
The formula for calculating the Murabaha mode for purchase – Order:
- Financing Asset x profit Ratio x financing period (in years) = profit .
- Financing Asset + Profit = Total financing.
- Total financing x Mutual Insurance Ratio x financing period (in years) = Mutual Insurance Installment.
- Total financing + Mutual Insurance Installment =(Total Financing Including The Profit and Mutual Insurance).
- Total financing including profit and mutual insurance ÷ financing period (in months) = financing monthly installment.
Conditions to participate In the Mutual Insurance Fund:
- The client should not be more than 60 years.
- The total of accrued liability in mutual insurance, including profit and installment, does not exceed jd150, 000 thousand.
- The mutual insurance installment is calculated in the MURABAHA mode for purchase – order on the total financing (financing including profit).