Date : Mar 6, 2023
Jordan Islamic Bank, in cooperation with international Visa company and in partnership with Amman Bus Company, launched the promotional campaign for Visa cards with the slogan "A trip on you and a trip on us", to allow its customers who hold Visa cards issued by Jordan Islamic Bank, users of Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) or Amman bus when paying for two trips on the same day, the opportunity to redeem the amount of the trip to their bank account at the end of the week and the campaign continues from 2-31 of the current month of March. Dr. Hussein Said, Chief Executive Officer / General Manager of Jordan Islamic Bank, said, "Our bank aims, through this campaign, to reward its customers who hold Visa cards of all kinds, in recognition of their confidence in the bank's cards, and encouraging them to use them and benefit from the incentives that they will receive." Emphasizing the strengthening of the sustainable relationship with international Visa company through participation in the marketing campaigns that it launches and benefits the bank's customers, in addition to other and various marketing campaigns that the bank launches throughout the year to motivate its customers to issue and use its various types of banking cards, which are characterized by financial flexibility and purchasing power, Wide acceptance locally and globally, through various points of sale and online, with ease and safety, in addition to obtaining many rewards and other advantages.
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